Friday, September 11, 2009

Blog's First Memorial Day

Welcome to my very first Memorial Day blog. Memorial Day, originally called, Decoration Day, started in the South, just after the Civil War when widows and others would clean up and decorate the graves of fallen Confederate soldiers. In this way they could honor their dead heroes. Pretty soon the tradition went north, and after that the whole nation. I don't know when the name was changed, but now it is a day we remember those who gave their lives so that we may be free.

I'm just going to write a bit about what is going on in my life this weekend. Then next year I'll make a comparison.

This day is Friday, May 22, 2009. The kids are off of school today and Monday. Today, because of an extra day set aside for a snow day they did not use, and Monday, for the obvious. David just came back from his friend Michael's house with his friend Blatin. Rosie still has the cast on her arm and will until June the 5th. Currently she is playing on Merwyn's computer. Merwyn is watching the History Channel. I've got a pot roast in the oven. I've got potatoes in with it browning in melted Crisco. There are also homemade Potato Rosemary dinner rolls.
Currently I'm into the Deadliest Catch. Captain Phil is my favorite. Jonathan runs a close second. These guys are real. They are themselves and make no apologies for it. I have a chance to meet Phil on Wednsday in Stillwater, OK, but I need someone to go with me. I'm going to ask Mary. If not, then I won't go. I'll wait until next time. I do hope I get to one day.

Denise and I were talking last night. She said that she thinks Phil and Johnathan can really party hearty. I totally agree, and would love to party with them. I haven't "partied" in years, but it would be fun with those guys. I can't drink as much as I used to because of the diabetes, but I can still get a nice buzz going. I don't like to get drunk.
Denise is a new friend I met on Facebook through Deadliest Catch or Phil's website. We found that we have an awful lot in common. So much so it's spooky. LOL! She's my partner in crime when it comes to DC, Phil, and Johnathan.
Tomorrow Phil is going to be on an internet radio station. I want to listen in - I hope I remember.
Well, the dinner came out delicious. I wish I had more room to eat more, but I don't want to be miserable. We are about to go to Target and Bath&Body Works. I need some more of their body scrub. The cheaper ones from stores like WalMart are okay, but not nearly as good as B&BW. David is staying home because he broke his glasses today and has to wear his old ones. They drive him up a wall. Merwyn took him to get them fixed, and the eye doctor's place had to order a new frame.

I may blog later. If not, until tomorrow.........;)

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