Sunday, September 13, 2009

Oh Summer, What To Do With You? (Withoug Dying Of The Heat)

It's been awhile since my last blog. The kids are out of school now. I have a feeling this is the summer that David and Rosalie learn the sore lesson that I am not responsible for their entertainment. They have been told this since each was old enough to complain about not having anything to do. It's not like there is absolutely nothing to do during this summer. They both have rooms full of toys, friends, and a neighborhood swimming pool. But the Texas heat is often unbearable. Even when the sun is going down. We can figure something out.

I'm trying to figure out where we can go for a vacation. A drive west to LA, then up to Seattle via Sequoia National Forest and Yosemite sounds like a plan to me. There are lots of interesting places to stop along the way. On the trip home I would like to go through Yellowstone National Park, then Utah. My best friend Sharon says it's incredibly beautiful. We don't have to get back by a certain time since Merwyn is retired now. It's the money he's worried about. That's why I'm going to sit down with him to see for myself. I don't trust him when he says we can't afford something. I need to know what is going on with our money anyway. If we can make such a trip, I would like to see an old friend with whom I've reconnected. Michele and I know each other from our old block in the Chicago area. Seattle is now where she calls home. She and her family live on a nice plot of land somewhere around the Seattle area. I found her on Facebook, and looking at the pictures posted there, they look very happy. I couldn't be more delighted for her.

In LA I will finally get to meet Jennie in person. She and I met on the DJMB a few years ago, and have been friends ever since. It's funny, she and I are good friends, yet aside from not having met in person, we have not even spoken on the phone. And that's okay with me right now. I don't feel it's necessary. She doesn't either, otherwise Jen would have said something about it. She will tell you what she's really thinking; there are no guessing games with her. I can't wait to meet her, husband Ian, and their furry children.

If in LA, the first "Hollywood" place I would want to go to is a restaurant called, "Musso and Frank's." This place was there during the golden age of Hollywood. It was a favorite haunt of a number of huge movie stars. After that maybe Mann's Chinese Theater, then I don't really care. To me, seeing the absolute beauty of California is much more appealing than going to a studio or trying to see a celebrity. I would like to spend time up in Napa Valley as well; it sounds enjoyable too. As for other summer activities, I promised myself that I would get the kids swimming lessons this year. They need to learn. I knew how at 7 years old. It's hard to find outdoor activities here because of the sickening heat. Both David and I get heat sickness in no time when the temperature is above 95. There's got to be more to summer here, than this, heat nonwithstanding.

Oops! Just noticed the time. DC is on; gotta go. Until next time.......................

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